CHHS Faculty Handbook

CHHS Faculty Handbook Introduction

The purpose of this handbook is to provide an understanding of the CHHS organization and of the relationships within the College of Health and Human Services at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte that promote the mission and purpose of the College. This Faculty Handbook includes materials that are considered essential for understanding and achieving the goals of the College. The handbook is designed to:

  1. Facilitate the orientation of new faculty members and their understanding of the organizational relationships within the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and the College of Health and Human Services (CHHS).
  2. Acquaint all members of the faculty with the mission, purpose, philosophy, objectives, faculty governance, structure, and policies that promote the mission and purpose of the College of Health and Human Services.

The College of Health and Human Services operates within the policies of UNC Charlotte and the University of North Carolina System. In addition to this CHHS Faculty Handbook, faculty members need to be familiar with the contents of the:

Policy Formulation

  1. Faculty, students and staff who participate in or are affected by the adoption or revision of new policies or procedures have a voice in the adoption and/or revision process according to the governance process.
  2. Proposals for policies and procedures may be submitted to appropriate governance or administrative committees from faculty members, students, or staff.
  3. Policies and procedures are periodically evaluated based on their effectiveness, and revisions made accordingly.
  4. Policies are effective by the designated date as approved by the appropriate body:
    1. School Director, Department Chairs, and Program Directors and Coordinators are responsible for review and revision of their program/department student handbooks.
    2. The Dean and Chair of Faculty Organization are responsible for the review and revision of the CHHS Faculty Handbook on an annual basis or as needed.

Procedure for Dissemination of Policies and Procedures

  1. All student handbooks are available on line on the college website:
    1. Nursing:
    2. Applied Physiology, Health, and Clinical Sciences:
    3. Public Health Sciences:
    4. Social Work:
  2. Revised faculty policies and procedures are posted using a designated G-Drive and/or on the appropriate faculty or student website with the designation “revised policies” and a date of implementation. Revisions remain on this site until the end of the academic year and the subsequent revision of the appropriate handbook.

Date of Origin: 7/02
Revised: 6/24