CHHS Research Guidelines and Resources Teaching Resources

CHHS Office of Research Grant Development and Submission Guidelines
(Internal and External)

The CHHS Office of Research is available to help you in your proposal submissions and grant management. The following are some guidelines to help in facilitating the successful submission of your proposal.

I. Forms

To get credit for a proposal submission by the College and University, the following forms will need to be filled out each time a proposal is submitted for funding.

  • As soon as you begin working on a possible proposal submission, fill out, submit the online “Intent to Submit Form,” and notify your Unit Chair/Director. It is essential that Unit leadership is fully aware of the research project as early as possible, as many projects potentially require additional resource commitments such as supplemental funding, matching funds and/or space.
  • The online form can be accessed through the CHHS website at (Link to be added when activated). The CHHS Office of Research can begin to provide you with the appropriate assistance needed in your proposal preparations.
  • NORM (Niner On-Line Research Management) is the University’s system of record for externally funded research proposals and awards. All proposals for external funding need to be fully approved in NORM prior to being submitted to the prospective sponsor. The electronic internal processing form (e-IPF) is available on the Research and Economic Development website
  • Please make an appointment with CHHS pre-award staff in the CHHS Research Office if you need assistance in filling out any of the above forms.

II. Budget Development

Early in the proposal development process, please send a draft of the budget and justification to the CHHS Office of Research and/or make an appointment if assistance is needed. Within two weeks before the proposal is due to the agency, please complete the e-IPF in NORM, referenced above. This requires a proposal title, proposed project dates, proposal abstract, the budget and budget justification. Embedded in the form are questions that address issues such as the need for space, equipment, cost share, course buy outs etc.

The university has budget policies and guidelines that relate to overhead costs, tuition, travel, procurement, and fringe benefits etc., which must be adhered to all times. The budget guidelines provided by the sponsor must also be followed. Therefore, to be in compliance we strongly recommend that you work with the CHHS Office of Research as you develop your budget.

III. Internal Submissions for External Grants/Contracts

The Principal Investigator will submit and certify the e-IPF in NORM. Once the e-IPF is submitted, it is automatically routed for approvals to the Department Chairs, Center Directors, and Deans (or their designees) who are responsible for the units and staff who will be involved in the project. The e-IPF submission also triggers the completion of a conflict of interest (COI) disclosure.

For pre-proposals and letters of intent, please contact the CHHS Office of Research for guidance on how to proceed.

IV. External Submissions

Grant proposals and contracts for sponsored projects are submitted on behalf of the University, not in the name of individual faculty members, and they must be reviewed and approved by an Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) of the UNC Charlotte. This is accomplished through coordination with the CHHS Office of Research and by the utilization of NORM. It is expected that Principal Investigators understand and comply with all College, University, Federal and other funder’s polies and procedures, and, that in submitting grants or projects requiring IRB approval they assume full responsibility for all activities, reporting requirements and outcomes occurring relative to their funded (and unfunded) research projects.

V. Notification from the agency

As soon as the Principal Investigator receives results of the proposal submission from the funding agency, a copy of the letter should be sent to the CHHS Office of Research. If you
receive an award notice, please contact the CHHS Office of Research so that we can explain the next steps.

If your proposal is not funded, please send a copy of the official notice to the CHHS Office of Research along with the grant review summary. If you did not receive grant reviewer
comments, please request them as they will be beneficial for future submission or resubmission. The CHHS Office of Research will notify the appropriate University officials
of the results and update the information in NORM accordingly. All correspondence with funding agencies should also be channeled through the CHHS Office of Research (e.g.
progress reports and final reports).

*Niner Online Research Management system maintains a tracking database that includes funding information for all departments. NORM is the university repository of all proposals and grants and is equipped with reporting features.