VIDEO: Groundbreaking Study on Kids, Exercise and Obesity

Categories: CHHS News

While the obesity rate among Charlotte-Mecklenburg K-5 students hovers around the national average, it falls well short of the target numbers for a healthy population, according to a multi-year study led by UNC Charlotte researchers.

Department of Public Health Sciences professor Beth Racine and a team of scholars evaluated the outcomes of Achieve 225, a program designed to promote physical activity and nutrition in schools.

Achieve 225 aims to improve health and learning by implementing recess and classroom activities to help students get 225 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) a week during school. North Carolina schools are required to provide 30 minutes of MVPA daily. More than 17,000 students in 30 CMS elementary schools participated in the project between 2014 and 2016.

Dr. Racine joined WCNC’s “Charlotte Today” to discuss her research.