Kinesiology Chair Named Co-Editor of National Journal

David Bellar, chair of the UNC Charlotte Department of Kinesiology, has been named an inaugural editor of the Journal of Health and Physical Literacy. The Journal is affiliated with the newly launched National Academy of Health and Physical Literacy, which seeks to advance health and physical literacy for all individuals.
“Dr. Bellar is an outstanding researcher in our field. As a widely published and highly respected scholar, he brings the perfect skillset to co-lead the National Academy of Health and Physical Literacy Journal Editorial Board. I am grateful for his service and know the Journal is in excellent hands,” said Charity Bryan, president of the National Academy of Health and Physical Literacy.
The Academy was created to be a diverse, inclusive, member-driven organization advancing the dimensions of health and physical literacy through professional development, advocacy, mentoring, and applied research in the areas of health, physical education, dance, and sport.
The Academy puts members at the center of the organization and seeks to grow and advance professional leaders who will interact and network on regional, national, and global levels to expand health and physical literacy opportunities for children and adults.
Physical Literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life. Leaders and members of the Academy will plan and implement professional development opportunities and events across businesses and agencies, community, clinics and hospitals, PK-12, colleges and university, and nonprofits.
Bellar and co-editor Lawrence Judge, associate chair of the School of Kinesiology at Ball State University, will lead the launch of the Journal of Health and Physical Literacy in 2022.