Student Success and Assessment
Office of Student Success and Assessment
Vision: The Office of Student Success and Assessment at the College of Health and Human Services at UNC Charlotte strives to provide the best environment for the success, achievement, and satisfaction of our students throughout their education and after graduation.
Mission: We provide leadership, support, and services to the schools and departments within the College of Health and Human Services at the University of North Caroline at Charlotte to improve student success, achievement, and satisfaction through collaboration with various academic and administrative units within and outside the college.
Programs and Services:
- Student Success Programs
- Prospect for Success (PFS) Initiative
- Health Connection Learning Community (HCLC) Initative
- General Education (LBST 2214 – Issues of Health and Quality of Life)
- Student Learning Outcome Assessment and Improvement
- Student Progression Monitoring and Reports
- College-level Surveys and Reports
- Institutional Accreditation
- Disciplinary Professional Accreditation
- Ad Hoc projects
Contact Us

Devrim Ozdemir
Director of Student Success and Assessment
CHHS 101

Vania Bredy
Prospect for Success Faculty Coordinator
CHHS 427D 704-684-8934

Pilar Zuber
LBST 2214 – Issues of Health and Quality of Life Coordinator

Tracy L. Bonoffski
Health Connections Learning Community Faculty Coordinator
Belk 215 704-687-0858

Paige Delaney
Assessment and Research Specialist
CHHS 114